Important terms related to inverter battery

When you purchase a new inverter battery or replace your old one, you come across some technical terminology. For many of us it becomes difficult to understand these terms and therefore we find it difficult to judge which one is a better battery to serve our household needs. 

Here’s a glossary of important and commonly used inverter battery terms : 

Electrical current : Electrical current is defined by the flow of charged particles like electrons, protons, or ions through a circuit, conductor, or space. Electric current is necessary to run many of our daily used appliances to industrial machines. 

Ampere (Amp) : The unit of electric current i.e., rate of the flow of charged particles is known as ampere. 

Amp hour (Ah) : It is the storage capacity of a battery. It is measured by the current flow of one ampere for one hour. 

Volt (V) : Volt is the unit to define the electric potential of a battery. Volt is the measure to find out the capacity of your inverter. Usually batteries are of 12 V. 

Watt (W) : Watt is the unit of power. It can be calculated by multiplying ampere with volt. Calculating the total Watt of the electrical appliances used is how you find out the power requirement of your household. 

Electrode : Electrodes are the conductors in batteries that can make electricity enter or leave the medium (electrolyte in battery).

Electrolyte : The electrolyte is the chemical solution present within the battery that works as a medium between positive and negative electrodes. Distilled water top up is needed to maintain equilibrium of the electrolyte level in the battery. 

Anode : Anode produces electrons with oxidation reaction in a battery. Between charge cycles, flow of electrons reverses, thus the anode becomes the positive electrode while charging and becomes the negative electrode during discharging. 

Cathode : It is the electrode in a battery where reduction reaction happens. Opposite to the anode, the cathode becomes the negative electrode while charging and negative while discharging. 

Active material : Active material in lead acid batteries consists of lead compounds that can produce and store electric current. In an electric circuit, active material reacts with sulfuric acid during charging and discharging. 

Grid : The grid in a battery is the support system for the active material. It is made of lead alloy and it conducts current.

Plate : Plates are the thin and flat (or tubes in case of tubular batteries) structures consisting of grid and active material. Plates are either positive or negative based on the nature of active material. 

Battery : A battery is a device or or unit with the capability of producing electric energy through chemical reaction from stored chemical energy. The battery produces direct current that flows in one direction. 

Lead acid battery : It is a battery made up of plates and chemical solutions where chemical reaction happens to produce electrical energy. Lead acid battery is composed of lead, lead oxide, sulfuric acid, and water solution or electrolyte. Additives are also used to improve density and performance.

Tubular battery : Tubular battery is also a lead acid battery but here the positive plate is made of tubes. It is a newer invention in the world of batteries and more popular in terms of energy efficiency, performance, and durability. 

Understanding these battery terms make it easier for you to make an informed decision while buying an inverter battery. But it is a competitive market out there! Many similar brands with glossy promises. Altox is one of the leading inverter battery manufacturers in India with a reputation of producing high performing and durable inverter batteries at affordable costs. Made with innovative design techniques, Altox inverter batteries are safety optimized and resistant to leakage, temperature changes, and voltage changes. Sarex is a smart choice for your home. 

Solar panel: Myths Vs Facts

There’s a time for thoughts and there’s the time to choose. Today, most of the Indian population is worried about soaring prices of petrol, diesel, and equally rising electricity bills. Now is the time to choose renewable and go solar. Few reputed solar panel manufacturers are making sure you have an easy transformation with quality products and always accessible customer care services. In this blog post, let’s break all the myths going around about solar and make a switch for a greener future. 

If we do not take steps to reduce our carbon footprints, serious hazards are waiting for us. Without environmental sustainability, there’s no better future for the upcoming generations. Let’s make a smart choice!

Myth Facts
Solar panels are expensive to install. Well, solar panels are rather cost savers. It is very simple to understand. Take 3 years, calculate your average energy bills with electricity, and compare with solar expenses. Solar saves money in terms of energy usage. Besides, there are budget-friendly panels produced by reputed solar panel manufacturers.
Once installed, solar panels are prone to damage from wind, rains, birds, and animals. It’s not very common that birds or animals can damage solar panels in a severe way. Solar panels from renowned manufacturers are designed with tough glass which won’t break easily even with high winds or storms. 
Solar panels will work only in certain climate conditions Rumour has it, only tropical climates are better suited for solar. Well, no. Rooftop solar panels extract energy from sunlight no matter whether it’s hot or cold climate. 
What will happen on rainy days! Solar panels save energy for the rainy days too, in terms of the excess energy produced on the other days that go back to the electric grid. Besides, solar panels don’t stop working during cloudy or rainy days, only efficiency decreases. 
Heavy electrical appliances are difficult to run with solar. Electric heaters, geysers, and air conditioners are a few of the high energy-consuming appliances. Calculate your energy needs and place the number of solar panels accordingly.
Solar panels can damage your roof. Well, solar panels rather provide protection for your roof. Do not let the look deceive you, they are not that heavy. And the mounted design actually doesn’t keep them completely adjacent to your roof.
Solar is a luxury for the rich! That is absolutely wrong as solar panels come in different capacities depending on the power need of your home. Also, there is the option of loans and government subsidies. 

Now that you know what to believe, there should be no doubt!

Being one of the leading solar panel manufacturers in the country, Altox has been designing solar panels to withstand all Indian weather conditions. The use of toughened glass, high-quality piping and wiring, and a perfectly mounting structure prevents the panels from any damage and provides power uninterrupted. Altox is your first choice when you are looking for durable and low-maintenance solar panels with high energy efficiency.

Visit the website to find out more: